Trifractional Resurfacing Skin Needling
Trifractional is an excellent overall anti-ageing treatment, for those with photo-damage, acne scarring or uneven skin tone.
Trifractional is an excellent overall anti-ageing treatment, for those with photo-damage, acne scarring or uneven skin tone.
Trifractional Resurfacing Skin Needling is an advanced safe ablative technology which enables effective fractional skin resurfacing- creating micro wounds triggering the body natural healing response mechanism. The treatment induces neocollagenesis to create healthy and younger looking skin with minimal discomfort and downtime. With a full range of best-in-class unique and effective technologies, Divine Pro provides endless treatment combinations for encouraging smoother, tighter skin, improved facial contouring, wrinkle reduction, acne scarring or uneven skin tone.
Trifractional Resurfacing Skin Needling effectively treats:
This is a short paragraph introducing the treatment, what is unique about it and what it does to your skin. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tiner suscipi, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iustsent lu feugait nulla facilisi.